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ITSA in Securing Industry

Global Developments Around Tobacco Track and Trace and How They Relate to the US

Presented at Federation of Tax Administrators Tobacco Tax Annual Meeting, August 2019, Grand Rapids, Michigan, by Alex Finkel, Meyercord Revenue (SICPA)

ITSA in Tobacco Reporter

Guidelines issued – To encourage compliance with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, the International Tax Stamp Association (ITSA) has produced an advisory note that analyses the different stages of a full track and trace system.

ITSA in Tobacco Reporter

A recent World Bank report outlined a number of key measures that could reduce illicit activity in the trade of tobacco products, including effective systems that can track the secure movement of cigarettes and other items through the supply chain from production or import to point-of-sale.

What’s Happening in the World of Tax Stamps and Track and Trace?

Presented during an ITSA seminar at the High Security Printing Latin America conference, June 2019, San José, Costa Rica

ITSA in Professional Security

Excise tax stamps against illicit tobacco – An international conference will showcase excise tax stamps against illicit tobacco trade. The International Tax Stamp Association (ITSA) is hosting a workshop at the High Security Printing conference in San José, Costa Rica from June 3 to 5, to highlight the latest regulatory …

What’s Happening in the World of Tax Stamps and Track and Trace?

Presented during an ITSA seminar at the High Security Printing Asia conference, December 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam

Benefits of Tax Stamps for Secure Traceability under EU TPD

Presented at the Tax Stamp Forum, May 2018 in Nairobi by Nicola Sudan, ITSA General Secretary

ISO 22382 for Tax Stamps: Recommendations for Security Managers

Presented at Intergraf, March 2018 in Dublin by Astrid Mitchell, ITSA Representative

ITSA Berlin 2017 Interviews

Chrisitine Macqueen What are ITSA’s main achievements during the first year of operations? Zbigniew Sagan What impact will the new international tax stamp standard (ISO19998) have on the industry? Keith Thompson What are the main issues facing the tax stamp industry? Corinne Murcia How do you see the tax stamp …